Thursday, October 30, 2008

Super Hero Haul!

My little super heroes did a little trick or treating at MDO today and what a haul!!

Noah got more than his older brother which still confuses me. How did those tiny hands rake in more then those of his bigger brother? It must have been Jacob's inner voice (hopefully the one that echos mine, but reassures like the Spirit) saying, only take one and leave some for the other kids.

But my, what a conundrum we had when we got home. I told them both they could have one candy, and also a snack since the thing to give these days is mini packages of Teddy Grams or popcorn.

Noah just wanted whatever was brightly colored and was the easiest and fastest to open. I gave him some Starburst and Teddy Grahams.

Jacob picked out a mini package of Gummie Life Savers, and a bag of pop corn his teacher gave him. He could not come to terms with how he was supposed to eat both the pop corn and the candy? Was he supposed to "leave the pop corn for another time when we have a movie" he asked? I assured him, "No, it is ok, you can have candy AND the popcorn snack!". He was elated!! Until he opened the candy. His little naive self asked, what are these? I told him they are gummy candy and to chew them. This is going to the kid that negotiates any type of snack/food/drink with a piece of gum. It is a rule, if the gum comes out or goes down, he is done with it. He will forgo a snack, for that last 20 minutes of gum chewing. (Thanks Grandpa Baker!) Well, he pops it in his mouth, and is excited by it, but after chewing...he SWALLOWS IT! He screams, Mom! I SWALLOWED IT!! (with 4 left in the little pack) I again had to reassure him, it is ok, you are supposed to swallow it. He very cautiously ate the rest, but was very confused with why I said they were gummy and why it was ok to swallow them?!

1 comment:

Torrie said...

Too cute. This is when I'm glad my kids don't like chocolate. I can pick it all out of their goodie bags and eat it myself.

BTW, I just got the air quotes thing. Took me awhile but it came to me while I was watching tv tonight.