Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Playground Games

I have been tagged!!

The idea is to go to your 3rd picture file and your 4th picture. Ok, so this is probably going to depress me for next 3 years.

Wow, what 2 kids, 10 years and a lot less me time will do to you.

I have a couple other totally valid excuses, but man, that is not fair!

Ok, so since I have few readers, and this is basically to fulfill my duty as a family historian, lets see....Abi, Shaunna and umm.....SURPRISE ME!!!

5th folder, 9th pic!! Have fun guys!!!


Kristin said...

I was just browsing blogs and came upon yours! Cute family! Don't feel bad about high school pics. Look where you are today? Kids? a full life? I'm much rather have what i do now than a skinny self! :) Keep working slowly- you'll do it! Nice meeting you BTW and God bless your family!! :)


Torrie said...

Hottie McHotness! I think 10 years, a husband and 2 kids makes you even more beautiful.

Eliza said...

I agree with Torrie and may I add, at least you can say "back in the day my bod was rockin." I have always had a less than rockin physique.